
Love should be unaddressed. … Love oriented towards the other is not true love, love as relationship is not true love. Love as a state of being is true love. One can love a woman, one can love a man, one can love one’s children, one can love one’s parents, one can love roses, one can love other flowers, one can love a thousand and one things — but these are all relationships.
Learn how to be love! So it is not a question of to whom your love is addressed, it is simply a question of your being loving. Sitting alone, still love goes on flowing. Absolutely alone, still, what can you do? Just as you breathe…you don’t breathe for your wife; it is not a relationship. You don’t breathe for your children; it is not a relationship. You simply breathe! — it is life. Just as breathing is life for the body, love is the life of the soul — one is simply love!

Osho left his body in 1990, but in the context of his work asked to never be spoken of in the past tense .

The basic and outstanding resource for Osho’s work is There are comprehensive explanations and many free resources. Some need a free registration.

Many things are paid-for, but please don’t be put off by the “commercial” appearence.  Nothing, whatever, about Osho is as expected. Osho considers that people don’t value what they don’t pay for. Equally, at Osho’s request  profit margins are kept very low to make the books as available as possible.   He also wishes the books to be well produced, and would pay attention to every detail as each book was published.

And every meditation organisation could make use of more money.

“Money has a purpose. One need not be obsessed, this way or that, for or against. Money is utilitarian. You need not be only living FOR money, and you need not be against money. It is just utilitarian. That’s why my attitude towards money is: Money has to be used. It is very very instrumental.
In the world of religion, money is condemned very much — the religious people are very much afraid of money. That fear is nothing but the greed standing on its head. It is the same greed which has now become afraid.”

You can search and read Osho books at, (you can’t download or cut-and-paste text.)

The Youtube  channel  has many short video talk extracts, quite a few of which are free.

A small but delightful resource is , where you can sign up to get a short daily quote on meditation in your email inbox.

The Osho Meditation Resort in Pune ( )      in India is an amazing, amazing place with a powerful feeling of Osho. He puts emphasis on meditators meditating together and long envisioned a community with a pull of meditation so strong that new arrivals would simply be drawn into meditation. Yes it’s a long way away, but don’t rule out a visit.

A well-known website is This is where Osho workshop leaders  advertise so it’s an excellent place to look for workshops, many of the highest quality, and meditation centres round the world.

There are two famous English-speaking  Osho meditation centres accessible from the UK:
Osho RISK in Denmark ( (All progammes in English)
Osho Miasto in Italy,     (Many workshops in Italian, but translation available – check.)
They have the combination of therapy, joyful celebration and inner silence on the path which is characteristic of Osho’s work. Their workshops too have consistently outstanding quality. They are perhaps the two places most accessible from the UK which have the quality of what Osho calls a “meditation resort”, where just by visiting one is drawn into meditation.

In the middle of Cologne, is a large centre, but all in German.

Osho recognises that people in the modern world often need some personal development work as a prelude to deep meditation. He gave the use of his name to a couple of dozen therapists who can refer to themselves “Osho therapists” and to their work as Osho therapy. These are the schools of meditation they have created.

A book on all forms of Osho therapy: Osho Therapy by Svagito Liebermaster.

Maneesha James, death and dying:
With a strong presence in the UK, an international network of events created by Rafia and Turiya: Path Retreats
Enlightenment Intensive and vipassana with Ganga:
Osho Mystic Rose therapy-meditation process with Leela:
Dance with “Dance” Maneesha
Direct bodywork with breathing movements of the body (roots in the work of Reich) with Aneesha
Tantra  with Radha:
Inner male and inner female, Star Sapphire, created by Sagarpriya
Healing by massage, Anubuddha, Arun Conscious Touch:
Vipassana and meditation with Shunyo and Marco:
Primal (childhood, teenage) healing and tantra with Premartha:
xxxxx this list is in progress and more will be added March  2025  xxxxx

If you want  factual understanding  of what happened in the past of Osho’s work, and thoughtful reminiscences:

A book –  Encounters with an inexplicable man, Ed Savita Brandt, Dancing Buddha’s Publishing.
An online magazine – Viha Connection.   They write: “It’s a magazine that reveals the inner and outer life of Osho’s disciples – His sannyasins. It’s a place for stories by and about highly individual people who have lived together in the most provocative, original, on-the-edge communes and communities that have ever existed anywhere.”

The site is the listings site for UK events.

There is a big centre in the UK called Osho Leela, (  Leela is a sadly limited place to explore Osho’s silence and unique spiritual vision. On the plus side it is a very good opportunity to experience Osho’s Dynamic and Kundalini meditation, which they do daily.  They run a few Osho meditation weekends, which are a way to experience a wider range of Osho’s meditation techniques. However their main emphasis is on community and therapy. If you are seeking warm, welcoming and highly alive community, plus Western therapy and plus Osho’s  famous Dynamic meditation technique, then Leela is excellent. Alas you’ll get no clue as to what Osho’s vision actually is.

In particular, their routine activities provide no place for  Osho’s unequalled, profound, and irreplaceable talks on life and spirituality. You can see their promo video here: It’s vibrant, but  you’ll note there are no Osho quotes or talk extracts, and  the only reference to Osho is the transient glancing nod at 25 seconds. It’s painful to have to say all this, but if you are new to Osho it’s something to be aware of.

Patanjali [regarded as the father of yoga] has been a tremendous help, incomparable. Millions have passed through this world by the help of Patanjali because he doesn’t talk according to his understanding, he moves with you. And as your understanding grows, he goes deeper and deeper and deeper. Patanjali follows the disciple; Tilopa would like the disciple to follow him. Patanjali comes to you; Tilopa would like you to come to him. And of course, Patanjali takes your hand and, by and by, he takes you to the highest peak possible, of which Tilopa talks but cannot lead because he will never come to your valley.  …
But Patanjali is very sensible, very sane, he moves step by step, takes you from where you are, comes to the valley, takes your hand and says, “One by one, take steps.”
Patanjali said, “There is a path. There are methods.” And he is really very, very wise. By and by, he will persuade you in the end that drop the method and drop the path — there are none — but only at the end, at the very peak, just when you have reached, when even Patanjali leaves you, there is no trouble; you will reach by yourself.